Hi, I'm Lukas 👋

I'm a full-stack .Net developer using c# / TypeScript currently studying Software-Engineering at the University of Stuttgart.

I enjoy creating beautiful Windows 10 / 11 applications using UWP / WinUI, high-performant web applications using Asp.Net Core or Android-Apps using Xamarin + Material 3 / You. Creating little games in Unity is also fun!

Digging through the (beautiful) WinRT Api in IDA might also appear on my schedule.


NearShare is an (ad) free, open-source and cross-platform implementation of the Microsoft Connected Device Platform (Project Rome) that allows you to send files and websites between devices.

VB-Audio-Router is an open-source audio graph / routing app for Windows.

ShortDev.Uwp.FullTrust is a library that allows you to create a CoreWindow leveraging high-performant WindowsXaml (WinUI 2) from within a Win32 app.

Some minor contributions to ChakraCore, the open-source javascript-engine of the legacy microsoft-edge browser.